Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Comment

Overall I am extremely pleased with the outcome of my three smaller paintings. I experimented with  a lot of colour and different techniques. I tried painting faster this time around and using a looser painting technique. I feel that I got a very peaceful and calming sense throughout all of the paintings, especially the ones with the warmer colours. I wish I had spent more time on the Caribbean painting so I could change the water to a lighter tone near the beach, or even take out the beach in all. I was extremely pleased with the outcome of the Georgian Bay scene as that was my favourite of the three. Overall I felt the key to my success was the medium I used. I was really liking the oil paints and the thickness that they have. By now I feel that I have a great idea of what oil paint is like. Overall I was happy with the turnout of these three paintings and also my larger landscape painting that I did previously.

Daily Journal

Daily Journal
Day 1
For this second portion of this project I wanted to do smaller paintings and more of them so I could switch from painting to painting. For these paintings I wanted to more experiment then plan out. This first day I haven’t painted but have decided to do a landscape painting on a 3 different rectangular pieces of wood, with oil paint. 

Day 2

Today I started to paint and had troubles with the landscape painting. I tried using a lot of vibrant warm colours but with the oil paints I ended up just mixing the colours together. Overall I didn’t have much progress on this first day of painting.

Day 3

Today I continued on my first landscape photo and decided to cover the entire piece of wood with the paint. I mixed the colour of the hills into one bright green colour, and filled the sky in as blue. I started to experiment in the front right of this painting, as I took the cake cutting like object to make lines through the paint to create the effect of plant stems. 

Day 4

This class I worked on developing the sky as I added white streaks. I also added highlights to the tops of the hills. These highlights were bright vibrant colours such as red and yellow. I also developed the foreground as I added the colourful flowers to the painting. 

This class I started a new painting. It depicted a stormy Georgian Bay day, with a rock in the middle of the open, on a dark gloomy sky. This was a very loose painting style, as the wavy water required a loose stroke. I tried incorporating warm colours throughout and many different values. I filled the entire panel with paint quickly, but the painting looks a bit rushed and muddy.

Day 5

This class I worked on the water scene and tried incorporating a lot of colour. The rock was greatly improved from the muddy colour it was previously. If you closely look at the rock the different values used are really neat. I also tried painting the waves crashing into the rock, but felt I needed more white.

Day 6

Today I worked heavily on the first painting. I changed the hills in the background adding great contrast and different values in the smooth hills. I added a little hut a the top of the hill where the horizon meets the top of the hill (focal point). I liked the outcome of these changes. I also tweaked the waves in my Georgian Bay painting, but mostly worked on the original landscape painting.

Day 7

This class I started my third and last painting. This was the quickest painting of all the three, as I was practically done in only one class. I depicted a Caribbean scene with a colourful coastline with boats anchored in a bay. This painting turned out great. The detail on the boats I thought turned out very well. It was extremely tough to paint on such a small scale. I liked the used of yellow and orange type colour that blended well with the greens in the painting. At the end of the day I felt that this painting was a bit to dark compared to the other to paintings.

Day 8

This was my last day of painting and I worked a little on each of the three paintings. I finished up the Caribbean scene painting, as I brightened up the front left part of the painting, and added a beach to the bay. I added a skyline and changed the colour of the water. I then moved on to my Georgian Bay scene and changed the waves by adding more deep blues and light white to create the most contrast and feeling of large waves.  I added white to the waves crashing into the rock with little ticks of paint. Lastly I moved to my first painting and added more flowers near the stems. I also added a dark value by the roots for greater contrast. I mostly just worked on these flowers and left the rest of the painting the way it was. At the end I painted the edges of the wood panels with white blue and green.