Friday May 14th
- This was the last part of my painting process which include me taking the white outline on the hat out as it looked very amateur and making his face not as round
- I did this by adding more red and white at the sides of his face around he neck
- This worked out very well and made him look more realistic
- Extremely excited about the outcome as it look amazing
- The highlights in the face did not turn out in the end the way I originally envisioned but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like it.
- Overall very happy with this peice!
Friday May 14th
- This was my last day of painting
- Changed a lot
- For one I put a white outline around the black hat
- Worked on the background
- Took green tape and using a circular container outlined 12 circles, and then placed them on the painting, and then taped everything else such as the hat and the sides of the face
- I mixed red and black ad white to create a bloody red to surround these circles
- I then proceed to put red dots in the middle of the circles to make these circles into CD’s
- Perhaps the biggest change of all is the brightening up of the face
- Before today his face colour was dark and murky
- Using a light brown I made his face brighter and added in new highlights throughout the face
- This did an amazing job in creating depth as before it looked like he had an extremely wide face
- Completely changed the lips, adding shading on the top lip and highlights on the bottom one
- Last change was the chin by making a more subtle highlight, and worked heavily on the dark areas below the lips and around the chin

For my backgorund I wanted to create something that connected to Notorious BIG and represented a part of what he was. I decided to create a red backgorund with CDs all accross the back. This would represent the CD's that he produced in his short lived career, and the red, a bloddy red, would represent the blood that he sacfriced to make it to the top, which ended up taking his life, when he was killed in a drive by shooting.I used the below materials to make the CD's. The picture below on the right is a container found in the art studio used to create a consistant circle. I traced this circle onto the green tape with I made wider. I then placed these circular peices of tape and placed them randomly accross that background of my painting
Thursday May 13th
- In this class I worked heavily on the highlights
- I completely changed the nose, the lips and the check highlights
- I also worked on the area above the nose in-between the eyes, using lots of thick black paint with a bright green highlight surrounded by white
- The lips and the nose where the best advancements at the end of this class
- The goes with the chin as well which looked better
- Very happy with the way the nose look and the shading around the lips that help pop them out
- Overall pretty much done, one more time needed to complete the background and the lips
- After a disaster last time in the art studio I went back the next day after school to really work on my painting. I had two hours to kill
- Tuesday night allowed me to give a lot of reflection on ,my painting as a flipped through photos from the first and second day
- I looked online to find pictures of the rapper and felt inspired, and thought of certain things that I could do to improve my piece
- I first worked hard on the lips to extenuate them to look large and puffy
- I worked hard on popping the checks out using vibrant colours. Painted white over the collar to give the clean white look
- Got rid of the white outline of the top hat, but notices that the dark skin and the black hat have poor contrast and it makes it difficult to notice where one ends and the other begins
- I worked on the nose and trying to make it look like the nostrils are all shaded out with the highlight on the tip of the nose- still some work to do on it
- The black blazer I filled in using extremely thick amounts of black paint which gave the foreground of my painting some texture, and helped show one of the aspects to Notorious’ life, which is how rough it was
- I felt that the thick rough paint was a way of portraying this
- Overall steps on the right direction- a couple more painting sessions and it will be finished
Tuesday May 11th
- For the second painting session I tried applying the paint in a thick way. I tried blocking in the collar with rd striped but figured that it didn’t suit Notorious’ personality
- I distinctively remember this day as being the most frustrating and harmful towards my painting
- I remember leaving the art studio very mad as my painting was veering off its path from what I had previously envisioned
- The paint I made very thick and almost murky, and it made it look very amateur
- I made the common mistake of focusing on shading and specifics of the face, when I am in the early stages of my painting
- By doing this I felt I hindered rather than helped my painting
- My vision of having the different vibrant colours for the highlights was not evident on this day as the highlights looked dark and murky
- At least there is the rest of the week to work the painting back to where I want it to be
Monday May 10th
- First day that I actually started to paint
- First took out the white conte and started to outline the basic figure of what I wanted to paint.
- Very roughly filled in the certain main areas of painting such as the black hat, the white background, and the features in the face
- This was coming in early so after the white conte was filled in I was rushed to lay down some paint as I at this point was way behind everyone else
- This is because I switched my idea numerous times
- Below is what my piece looked like at the end of day 1 in terms of painting
May 7th, 2010
- Started painting Huck Finn on the river
- Very rough painting
- Found myself not compelled to paint Huck, so started to think of other options before it became to late
- Though outside of books to movies
- Asked Mrs. Cockburn about movies and she said it was alright
- I decided to paint the Notorious BIG, a rapper from the movie Notorious
- He is known as the worlds greatest rapper of all time, and the movie talks of his life 'hustle' and stages to stardom
- Looked at a lot of pictures and figured I would paint a picture with him in his Top-hat a classic Notorious BIG look
- By looking at one of my freinds pictures, posted below uses a lot of colour in the face to show shading
- I felt i could possibly use this to show the light hitting his face
- I have drawn a sketch of what i want my final copy to look like (coming soon)
The picture below is one sort of in cluding this aspect. I want to do something like this using colour for highlights, and I want to base my painting off of the below painting. I decided that I will use his Top Hat instead of the one he is wearing below. Also will change the angle of his face so he is looing right at the viewer.
- Away for school golf tournament
- Today was the first day I started to really think of ideas
- I decided to do project I which was the single book character aposed to the group scene
- At first thought of potraying the women from a book i recently read, The Book of Negroes
- I then changed my mind from The Book of Negroes, to drawing Huckleberry Finn, the famous character
- I wanted to potray him on the river, on his raft, with a tabaco pipe in mouth
- He would be enjoying the river and calmness
- Felt it would be a good idea to prime the wood canvas
- I painted it all with cesco except for the bottom half of the wood canvas, as I thought I could in the future leave the wood canvas represent Huck's raft and give some texture to my piece
- I then used the mannican to try and sketch the figure that I wanted Huck do be in
- PICTURE of Sketches
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