Thursday, December 10, 2009

Self Portrait Painting

This is from the first class of work. As you can see there are very rough paint strokes, and all that I was working on were the proportions of the face, and filling in a backround colour. I choose a mixture of blue and white for my backround, that created great contrast with the orange tints that I later added to my face.

These two pictures were taken after the second class of painting. The one of the left is taken in the P setting on the camera which brough out the oranges in my photo, which i felt were a more realistic view of my picture in real life. The picture on the right was taken using the automatic setting which brings out the darker values, and more browns than oranges. As you can see lots of progress was made between the first and the second class. I started to work on more of a realistic skin tone, and started to really define the jaw line. I started a rough paint of my shirt.

In this photo I have made tremendous amounts of progress from the last photos. Once I got into the feeling of working with the paints i started to work faster, and probaly didn't take enough pictures in this time period, beucase there is such a drastic change. I started to make things more realistic. For this class i worked stricktly on the face, and perfecting the proportions, and starting with highllights. I fixed my nose, by making the nostril less noticable, and adding in some shading. I moved my eye down to make my forehead bigger. I defined the ear with a white tint which really helped my whole painting in terms of form. I added in the highlights in my cheek, forehead, and the top of the chin, making them really pop out. I brought my hair down over my ear, which was something that i had noticed to do, according to the photo of me. Overall lots of great steps taken.

These two pictures like the two above, are taken with the two different settings (P and Automatic). In this class i focused on blocking in the shading in and around the eye, and creating darker values in my hair. Overall not alot of change was made in this class, but i worked on very little things such as the ear, and making the highlights in myforehead visible but less intense. These things are hard to spot between the above photo and the two below.

Starting this class i felt that the proportions in my face were great, and everything was looking good, and i did not want to overwork my painting so i decided to start to work on my shirt, that ended up taking alot more work that i imagined. The shirt that i was trying to replicate had waffle stripes, or checkers. I felt that using thin strips of tape, that went in the ontours of the shirt and painting over them. And then i would peel these strips off. These strips took a whole class to cut up,place, and take off, and in the end i was not satifsied. I felt that the strips stood out to much. Overall my experimentation was a faluire and i wasted a whole class.

In the last remaining classes i worked extremely hard on refining my shirt. The picture on the left is the outcome of the tape, with a blue water colour layed over. I thought that maybe a straight blue would be the easiest and look great. This is of course the middle picture. When I looked between these two picture i noticed that the white line on my shoulder(from the picture on the left) creatred great contrast and popped out the shoulder. I felt i needed to step away from my painting and look at some art books. I found one that showed really defined black lines to pop out the face, and shirt, andi felt that i could use this strategy with my shirt. This is why I decided to make really defined stripesd lines in my shirt. I also used this defined line strategy on the top of my forehead with a blue colour, and on the bottom of my chin.

This is the final product, and the real only change is that dark purple that defined, and created the difference between the inside and the outside of my shirt.

This is the picture that i worked off of.

This is a picture of my face zomed in. You can really see the definition of my cheek, the dark values that surroundthe eye, that work their way down the side of my nose, and the definition of my chin.

This is a picture of myself working on a picture of myself

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